Tolerance of the Intolerant Please note that this post isn't anything on lecturing anyone on the subject matter. Some thoughts poured in that I penned here: Got this nice poem on WHATSAPP from a friend: If you criticize me, it's your freedom of speech If I criticize you, it's my Intolerance. If you judge me, you are Enlightened If I judge you, I am Prejudiced. If you question my faith, then you are Secular If I question your faith, then I am Communal. If you defend yourself, it's because you are a Victim If I defend myself, it's because I am violent. If you pen your thoughts, it's Revolutionary If I pen my thoughts, it's Provocation If you march, it's a Protest If I march, it's a Mob If you lodge a complaint, you r following the Course of Law If I lodge a complaint, I am Misusing the Law Now one has to identify who is I and who is you... In the spate of usage of the word intolerance, at every nook and corner of space where intellectua...
Personal Views. Nothing Serious About It!