The Charm of Badey Sharmaji and Chhotey Sharmaji The year, 1992. After finishing engineering, my friend Sanjay decided to move to Delhi from Tripura in search of job. Job was scarce those days and more was so in the northeastern States if the branch wasn't civil or electrical. He booked an air ticket to Calcutta, as was Kolkata known those days, and then by railroad to New Delhi. Air tickets to Calcutta from Agartala was difficult to get as it served as a lifeline with only one operator flying twice a day at subsidised government rates. Getting a reserved seat in trains was difficult too in those days of manual system that prevailed. But then, his accommodation was ready and available with confirmation that was arranged through a common friend. For someone from the Northeast, the metros were places where it simply didn't suit the lifestyle and more the so, the people out there. Alienation was more than the desired levels of acceptance. It was his grit and determination ...
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