was independent. The Sahibs were gone and the coolies or brown Sahibs
or neo Sahibs gained access to the upper echelons of management. It
was the uncultured bandwagon that was giving shape to modern India.
Thus shot into prominence is the chalta
and jugad
aka the
great Indian jugad
of managing the masses in India.
my experiences being associated with the administrative setups of
many a State in the country, the hierarchy or patterns of
administrative functions in place are more generic than scientific.
Nonetheless, these generic or assumed pattern of paths of governance,
modified as per needs of local governance centered along well defined
paradigms that fulfilled the need of the hour. But its continuance in
this form may not be beneficial for which, the country is witnessing
loss of harmony in the governance sector. A major upheaval is needed
so that the States responds to a single command from the Centre. This
needs the basics of normalisation to occur throughout the country.
has to take place fast as administrative reforms have taken a
backseat and works on modernisation dumped to benefit the powerful
few. We have suffered a lot in this process and have attained a
deshaped proportion that is spewing ills on every other opportunity.
While taking stock of things, every other person had his own jugad
system of reporting that did not satisfy the needs and designs that
are useful for computation. The evils of misgovernance has impacted
the socioeconomic scenario of the hinterland more than that of the
urbanites who are too mechanical in their approach towards life and
have devised ways to cope up with.
monumental apathy of misrule for over six decades by our own is
perhaps a genocide of sorts as it was Indians pitted against Indians
who ruled the masses exactly the same way as the British Sahibs. It's
not known if this popular post from facebook pages of Indians who
think of a better India is true at all. But then the present mess
that we are in do speak about the character and abilities of our
rulers. Many these days are evn forced to think who actually ran the
show! It's thus hard to believe what went wrong as turning a correct
statement into an incorrect statement and vice versa did not exhibit
the strong nerves of the principles of raajneeti.
perhaps embedded in our nature to cry WOLF in the first place! When
you cry 'WOLF', when in opposition and, do exactly the same when in
power, you have no business to cry wolf in the first place when it's
uncalled for. This infused bias as a chronic malady. Philosophy of
truth was tossed in furnaces never to see another day.
and uneven growth, coupled with modulations to which some are privy
to, has left a big dent on the face of this beautiful country.
needs internal reforms. India needs to cleanse herself of the evils
that engulf today. India needs to redefine to usher in the big
change. Everyone wants and hopes for the best of good days to return
so that we are classified as a developed nation and not mere riled
into balonies of the past encumbered with hopeless antagonism and of
course, the drool-worthy
declarations on media that belittle the very purpose of quality
development. Development can only take place through love and
devotion towards one's work and country. Perhaps this is the right
time to introduce compulsory military service for all. This will pave way for a better India where better Indians live!
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