of Case Studies
Empowerment through MARREG – MARriage REGistration
This paper puts
forward some case studies that have led to the computerisation of the
entire process of marriage registration and led foundations for
discarding the manual system in practice. Attempts have been made to
highlight the drawbacks in the manual system of preservation of
records, the pitfalls and perils. This write-up is in line with the
declaration of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India that all marriages
should be registered.
Registration, ACTs of Marriage in India, Notice under Solemnisation
of Marriage, RGM, NOMO, HMR, ISR, CSR, Aadhaar
MARREG is an eGovernance application software whose services are delivered through a portal This software has been designed and developed by National Informatics Centre with the primary aim of easing the government’s business transaction process of handing out marriage certificates. These marriage certificates or Certificate of Marriage record the solemnisation of a marriage between a male and female citizen within the State of West Bengal in the Republic of India respecting the laws of the land (governing ACTs of marriage). This G2C connect and, the effort of enhanced service delivery, evolving as an efficient system, entices the use of technology for leveraging effective managerial framework in the field of dissemination of effective public service.
MARREG is an eGovernance application software whose services are delivered through a portal This software has been designed and developed by National Informatics Centre with the primary aim of easing the government’s business transaction process of handing out marriage certificates. These marriage certificates or Certificate of Marriage record the solemnisation of a marriage between a male and female citizen within the State of West Bengal in the Republic of India respecting the laws of the land (governing ACTs of marriage). This G2C connect and, the effort of enhanced service delivery, evolving as an efficient system, entices the use of technology for leveraging effective managerial framework in the field of dissemination of effective public service.
An approach to
implement and establish good governance has propelled this
computerisation programme by the Law Department for their Directorate
- O/o The RGM, that has been supported by the Government of West
.......for more interesting cases, do write to me if you are genuinely interested in publishing the same......
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