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[With avid inputs from Ahuja Sir and Rajada]

While the Northern hemisphere looked forward to the blooms of spring, a tiny microorganism was and is wreaking havoc all around the globe. Somewhere in the winter of 2019 this nano virus hop-stepped and jumped over from possibly the Pangolin or the Himalayan Civet Cat or Bats onto the first human carrier, a 57 year old meat seller in Wuhan – China and spread like wildfire, engulfing many who came its way.

Misery struck the world in the form of a pandemic that leaped in exponential progressions to suck up the energies and potentials of earth. People got hyperactive on various platforms of social media to project how well acquainted they were about the spread of the virus code named Covid 19 well, the Chinese virus to many, that arrived with a bouquet of unabated deaths. The message may have been absolutely clear about the spread of the disease with malafide intentions of the mighty that, many in the electronic media professed but then, the ways of combating it was unclear. None had any clear views of ways to control the endemic.

Quarantine at home and desolate centres setup by the government to stem the ever increasing circle of morbidity had brought in fresh trust in governance. An international scam, in the form of genocide of immense magnitude, has
surreptitiously crept in to create humongous imbalances within humanity worldwide. It played with the lives of humans that even power centres of the world refused to discuss openly thus creating an aura of cheapness of mindset in protecting human lives. Cover-ups of misdeeds by the perpetrator of this massive biological warfare were on in full swing at different forums. Even the United Nations that the world looked up to with respect was falling beyond recognition.

The epidemic has neither spared the common man nor the royals. The high and mighty are on their knees irrespective of developed, developing or underdeveloped states. This reminds me of Mark Knopfler’s song ‘money for nothing'; a grim reminder how tiny and helpless we are and how little we know being the most intelligent specie to ever inhabit the earth or is it?

The fluency was astoundingly amazing when we moved away from peacetime anarchy of democracy to the dictates of wartime code of civil conduct. In subordination of our personal likes and dislikes to rule of the law. Crushing all prejudices that afflict all in daily life during peacetime civil routines.

It was prudent to adapt to guidelines laid by the administration as we elected to share the pain with equanimity. Demonstrate character at this hour of crisis. It was unbelievable that we were capable of so much in the light of so little that registers our eyes.

The best exercise was to avidly stay away and insulate from the negativity pursued on news telecast all through the day. With fake news flooding social media, that were actively consumed by the folks, only added to the fear
psychosis about the disease as many did not possess the same mental strength to cope up with it. Not to speak of innumerable memes and jokes that convert into irrational digital consumption are absolutely and, compulsively unhealthy. The fatalistic messages mostly by the #covidiots, are fast contributing to the infodemic with rising confusions creating loss of faith in the entire infotainment world.

This is not something out of a Steven Spielberg movie and/or Issac Asimov’s book. It’s happening here and it’s happening now! People are dying or rather eliminated!
The very thoughts of what next, are punishing especially from the economic viewpoint that silently shrouds the present thoughts with what now! This is far from reassuring. All positive vibes get transformed into negative vibes however one may try to practice self restraint knowing well that negativity destroys immunity.

Then there are the gallivanting #covidiots who had to be subjected to brutal force to contain them indoors. Realisation of the holocaust shall be felt much
later due to unknown infectivity and virulence of the agent. A sneak peak into the behaviour of the virus shall determine its nature and capacity to destroy. If infectivity is high, it'll infect more people and, if the virulence is high, it'll kill more. But then, for the merchants of death who are purposefully spreading it to inflict widespread casualties, for them, it's appeasement of their spirit.

The outbreak has made the heart and mind bleak where wealthy and poor are begging for their lives sparing none. There is no more chatting on the corners or in the coffee bars. But what won’t stop are the sirens. Keepers of memory shall over-pour the midnight oil to document the loss with the endemic going haywire.

It has and is taking a huge toll, both on the curer and, the cured. Pandemonium in mind might not get obliterated easily. Early containment and self imposed restrictions coupled with medical grade hygiene can only help in this escapade. Help yourself for your good in this time of distress! Tip of the iceberg is our destruction!!

Brace yourself as this ride is going to be bumpy and, shall be no less than a trial by fire; one helluva Agnipareeksha for mankind.
See you on the other side, stay safe… stay healthy …. stay home


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