Quality Bites India was independent. The Sahibs were gone and the coolies or brown Sahibs or neo Sahibs gained access to the upper echelons of management. It was the uncultured bandwagon that was giving shape to modern India. Thus shot into prominence is the chalta hai and jugad aka the great Indian jugad of managing the masses in India. From my experiences being associated with the administrative setups of many a State in the country, the hierarchy or patterns of administrative functions in place are more generic than scientific. Nonetheless, these generic or assumed pattern of paths of governance, modified as per needs of local governance centered along well defined paradigms that fulfilled the need of the hour. But its continuance in this form may not be beneficial for which, the country is witnessing loss of harmony in the governance sector. A major upheaval is needed so that the States responds to a single command from the Centre. This needs the basics of normalis...
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